21st CCLC
Cohort 11
Out-of-School Time Program
Serving Students in the Central Greene, & Uniontown (Ben Franklin & Lafayette School Buildings Only)
aboutCohort 9
Our afterschool program runs Monday through Thursday (3:00-6:00pm) at Waynesburg Central Junior High and Albert Gallatin South middle schools (for both AG North and AG South students) during the school year.
We also have a six week summer school program at the same schools and on the same days that meets
9:00am to 12:30pm.
Any middle school student (grades 6-8) in the Albert Gallatin and Central Greene school districts can join the 21st CCLC afterschool and summer school programs at any time. Simply ask your school’s main office or guidance office for a student application, inquire with your Site Coordinator, or email Cohort 9 Program Director Ashley Deurlein.
Visit Our Team page to view contact information.
FAMILY MEMBERS WELCOME Parents, guardians, and siblings of 21st CCLC students are encouraged to be part of our community. Whether it’s through an on-site visit, attending an Open House, serving as a field trip chaperone, or participating in a community service project, we strive to make family members a part of our program.

STEAM OF SPORTS EDUCATION focuses on skill building in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics with added enrichment activities. The STEAM of Sports educational curriculum combines physical activity with STEAM concepts to foster innovation in learning by sparking interest in the mechanisms behind sport and physical fitness. The sport component of this method is supported by weekly onsite sessions by instructors from the YMCA at the AGS site and EQT REC Center at Waynesburg Central.
ENVIONMENTAL EDUCATION teaches the students about sustainable practices in carbon emissions, gardening, culinary, and more through a collaboration with Penn State Fayette and 4H. Students engage in project based learning opportunities that extend their school day curriculum to reduce their carbon footprints, learn about weather and climate, and different agricultural practices like aquaponics, hydroponics, aeroponics, and traditonal gardening.
POSITIVE ACTION is an evidence based systematic educational program that promotes an intrinsic interest in learning and encourages cooperation among students. It works by teaching and reinforcing the intuitive philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions. Weekly Positive Action lessons are a key component of the afterschool program.
TOUCHSTONE CENTER FOR CRAFTS is Pennsylvania’s Premier Craft School. Educators from Touchstone make monthly visits to each of our sites to teach students a wide array of arts and crafts through hands-on projects.
COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS are a frequent and essential part of our program. Somerset Trust Bank, County Drug and Alcohol Prevention Specialists, and Cornerstone Care/HONEY are just a few of the entities whose presenters perform onsite instruction for our students.
FIELD TRIPS are a core part of our program’s educational foundation. Future field trip plans include visits to local nature trails and colleges, Carnegie Science Center, and Kennywood.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SPECIALISTS from the Teen Outreach Program (Cornerstone Care) and B.R.A.I.N. (Waynesburg University) make weekly visits to our sites. The goal is to foster positive youth development and lower at-risk behaviors by building teens’ educational success, strengthening life and leadership skills, and promoting healthy decisions and relationships.Our program is designed to deliver engaging and enjoyable hands-on projects to help meet our partner district students’ academic and social needs. The program strives to improve school day attendance and encourage positive behaviors in academic and social settings as well as complement the regular school day curriculum.